
Showing posts from September, 2011

Knowing is the Same as Not Knowing

If you are older than the age of 30, you probably remember doing a research paper in school and having to go to the library and look up your subject in an Encyclopaedia. If you were really lucky, your family invested in the high cost of knowledge to have the information at your fingertips – a whole set in your own home. Nowadays, most of us have iPhones, or SmartPhones that have a Google app that give us the ability to look up anything, anytime. There is no time delay, no difference between knowing something and not knowing something. With all this information and knowledge, you’d think we would have evolved and yet there is no real evidence that we are any smarter and common sense and basic courtesy seems to go the way of a lemming and jumped a cliff. Paul prays for us to gain knowledge (Colossians 1:9) but Jesus chastises the Pharisees because of their knowledge (Luke 11:52). Daniel acknowledges that God is the one who gives knowledge to the discerning and wisdom to the wise (D

What to Know Before You Go

Have you ever had one of those moments when you finally learn something that you’ve heard for a long time? The thing that when you hear it you say, “I know that already,” and tune out?   This weekend, I had one of those moments. I learned a lesson I’ve known for a long time – so long in fact that I don’t remember not knowing it. You wanna know what I learned? If not, then stop reading otherwise get ready to be rocked – intimacy is developed in the secret place. Wow! That’s amazing isn’t it? Let me share my journey to learning this simple but profound lesson. In August, I was invited to be part of a 7-person ministry team. It was my first “official” ministry trip and I was excited. I was looking forward to testifying what God does when we step out in faith. Before we left, I imagined that I’d have plenty of time to soak in the presence of God. I had a rough idea about what I was going to speak on but thought I’d have time to inquire of the Lord what was on his heart for the people

Are You a Missionary?

The Great Commission found in Mathew 20:18-20, tells us to go to the world, obey God’s commands, baptize and make disciples. It’s a word for every Christian so why aren’t we seeing it happen? Or maybe we are, but our definition of a missionary is different than another. This week, the Kingdom Bloggers are discussing the questions: what is a missionary and are you a missionary by your own definition? My own thoughts towards mission work have changed dramatically since I was a child. Click here to see what I used to think of missionaries and why I’ve changed my mind.

Do You Fit In?

In the middle of the Bible history books, we come to a little 4-chapter book called Ruth. Scholars don't know what to do with it, even in reading assignments for Old Testament Theology class, Ruth doesn't have an overall theme to explore. The book becomes incorporated into the history book section but simply because it doesn't fit into any other category. It is a book that tells a story but doesn't necessarily move the whole of the Bible story forward. It just sits there, taunting scholars to define it. Ironically, Ruth and Esther, another book that stumps scholars into easily categorizing, are my favourite Bible stories. Perhaps I like them because the entire books are written about women. In a chauvinistic culture, these books elevate the status and role of women in God's story. I am a woman on mission to find significance and influence and I'm passionate about women roles within leadership, church and the world, but I think there is more. Ruth gives va

Coming Soon - Change

I love change, except when I’m not the one to initiate it – you know the feeling?  For the past 15 weeks, I’ve been a contributing writer for Kingdom Bloggers. I was invited into the group by David Johndrow, an incredible man of God that I’ve met through social media and blogging. Kingdom Bloggers is a great group of people, sharing testimony with each other and the world (or at least our own neighbours). David and Tony (both current writers) and another dude who they speak of with fondness shared a vision for Kingdom Bloggers and the blog was born. Fast forward 2+ years and David feels the Lord is leading him into a different season. You know you can’t argue when someone pulls out the “God-card”. He wrote about it on Monday’s post. Since the remaining writers can’t argue with God, what we can do is honour and bless David in his next season and that’s exactly what we’ve done. Click here , to head over there now, and honour a man whom I’ve come to know and have appreciated that our pa

What You Focus On, You Become

When I was learning to drive, my Instructor told me to keep my eyes centred and a few yards ahead of the vehicle. He said where my eyes go, the vehicle will follow. It’s true if you are a sharp shooter, an archer, or even a golfer. John Paul Jackson says don’t aim for the edge of heaven where you might fall off, aim for the centre. Where you focus, you will go. What you focus on, you become – that’s true, too. Let me give you an example. A child observes his father speak harshly to his mother. He may even see him be physical with her and he vows to himself that he’s never going to do that. The child grows up, meets a lovely woman who agrees to be his wife and shortly after they’ve married, the child-turned-man begins to verbally and physically abuse his wife. He doesn’t want to do it and he hates himself for it but as long as he focuses on what he doesn’t want to do, he’ll continue to do the behaviour that he didn’t want to do in the first place. Why? Because what you focus on, you

Don't be an idiot...

Hi all! I’m thrilled to be visiting Andrea’s space today over from Kingdom Bloggers . The Friday slot has been mine to fill for almost 2 years and doing so has been a tremendous blessing for me. I also write on my own personal blog at Tony C Today , where I keep things a little light-hearted but always in harmony with the Kingdom. Hope you’ll come over for a visit. ******* Dear Tony C, First, I want to say stop wasting your time hanging upside down by your ankles. You’re not going to get any taller than you are when this picture was taken. Trust me… it won’t be the end of the world even though college football is definitely not in your future. I know you’re a very curious kid, and that particular attribute will serve you well in the years to come. Ask questions…and keep asking them. Don’t settle for answers given by supposed pundits as solid or even factual. Listen to your gut, your very soul. You are a child of God filled with His Spirit. He dwells and abides in your very being